Chicken and Chorizo Stew

This recipe is from my buddy Eleanor Walsh, a tour de force in the Irish food industry and all round fantastic person. Taken from her Eden book from a few years ago.


6 chicken legs, skin on
2 white onions, sliced
12 cloves of garlic, skin on
100g chorizo, sliced thinly, diagonally
100g plain flour
1 tbsp sweet paprika
250ml white wine
250ml chicken stock
1 sprig rosemary, chopped
400g can of chopped tomatoes
400g can of cooked chickpeas

Preheat the oven to 180C. Mix the white flour and paprika in a bowl. Dust the chicken legs thoroughly in the flour and shake off the excess. Fry these in a little sunflower/whatever oil till browned all over. Set aside.

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Heat an ovenproof casserole on the hob and add the chorizo. Keep it on the move with a wooden spatula, you don’t need to add oil because soon enough the fat will run. Then add in the sliced onions and whole cloves of garlic, cook them off for a while. Chuck in the rosemary and browned chicken legs, the wine and the stock, then bring it up to a slow simmer. Put on the lid and put it in the oven for an hour. After the hour has passed, remove the casserole from the oven and stir in the tomatoes and chick peas. The original recipe tells you also to add some Kalamata Olives, but I passed on these since the kids don’t like them. Stick the lid back on and cook for another half hour or so. I served this with steamed white basmati since the stew is kinda gloopy.


marinated butterflied leg of lamb

Butterflied leg of lamb was on special in the local butcher today (€13.95/kg) so we decided we’d have some if that …

1.5 kg leg of lamb, butterflied
1/2 a medium onion
4 cloves garlic
2 tbsp fresh rosemary
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp cider vinegar
zest of a lemon

Put all the ingredients bar the lamb in a blender and whizz till smooth. It’ll be a great colour and smell wonderful. Stick the lamb in a bag and pour in the marinade. Squish it round a bit, mostly on the non-fat side if you can.

Leave for an hour or two and when you’re about 100 minutes off eating, remove the lamb from the marinade and scrape off the excess into a bowl. Heat a skillet till smoking and sear the lamb on both sides for a couple of minutes. Place on top of a rack and spread the remaining marinade in top. Season well. Cook in a medium oven till about 10 minutes before eating, remove and relax. Slice really thinly.

This tastes amazing and will feed 6 or 7