
media: 25fps 1080p 50Mbps
Real world gives about 80 minutes per 32GB card
If three cards, then 240 minutes storage
=4 hours shooting capacity

1TB drive
How many 32GB cards will fit onto a 1TB drive?
1024/32=32 cards
32 x 32GB cards=42 hours footage

=50x60x60Mb per hour
=(50x60x60)/8 MB per hour
=((50x60x60)/8)/1024 GB per hour
=22GB approx per hour
=> 32GB card should hold approx 87 minutes
Real world gives about 82 minutes

55 min seq

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 09.36.15


Just for reference, a 55 min sequence at XDCAM HD422 1080p25 (50 Mb/s), 1,920 x 1,080 is around 21.58 GB

Sierra Nevada: day 1

Set off from Lanjaron at 9,30 and walked through the town, stopped to fill water bottles at local spring and started climbing up the valley at the east end of the village. Steep and hot but very pleasant. Climbed about 1000m by lunchtime, stopped by a river for picnic and then made a traverse over mountain paths before descending back down into the village by about 5,30 with a total of about 29,000 steps, a round trip of around 12k. Beautiful scenery, knackered.

On abandoning flickr

2011-07-18 10.30.32


It’s sad that flickr has pretty much fallen off my radar, it used to be so good, so vibrant, but I think it suffered from being acquired by Yahoo (who?) and lack of development. It seems that 500px is the new flickr and that facebook has become flickr-lite. Such is the way of the world …



Trying to wrap my head around IFTTT, this is very much a test posting to see if it finds its way over to the photography page on facebook.

The Spinc

To celebrate Hugo’s first ever circuit of The Spinc, I’ve uploaded a little memento. It was September 29th, on an absolutely beautiful day, barely a cloud in the sky and that very agreeable autumn temperature somewhere between mild and cool, just perfect for walking. Hugo was a trooper on the hike, literally and figuratively, not a peep or complaint out of him. He’s pictured above with his big bro Ben, who made a similar first circuit of The Spinc at about the same age, five years before and pictured below.

I hope that if I impart nothing they’ll continue to appreciate the hills and the great outdoors, no matter where they end up living their lives.