
At the risk of exposing myself as an eater of a non-sustainable resource, I bought some cod today from a stall on Moore Street in the heart of Dublin. Four pounds for twelve euro with the head and bones thrown in for good measure to make stock. This works out at €6.67/kg being all metric in our house an’ all. Just for gas I nipped into the local supermarket afterwards for comparison, the same piece of fish was priced €20.95/kg. That’s more than three times the price. Granted, it was in a nice display on a bed of ice and I didn’t have to watch it getting its head cut off, but three times the price? C’mon lads.

There was bonus value down Moore Street as well with filleting lessons from the woman behind the stall and repartee from her son who claimed to be a piano player so he couldn’t risk his fingers with the knife. And Dublin City Council wanted to shut these traders down?

I know where I’ll be getting my fish … but need to have a good fishing device

And I’ve been waiting ages to actually use codology in a post, so there it was …

food: codology

At the risk of exposing myself as an eater of a non-sustainable resource, I bought some cod today from a stall on Moore Street in the heart of Dublin. Four pounds for twelve euro with the head and bones thrown in for good measure to make stock. This works out at €6.67/kg being all metric in our house an’ all. Just for gas I nipped into the local supermarket afterwards for comparison, the same piece of fish was priced €20.95/kg. That’s more than three times the price. Granted, it was in a nice display on a bed of ice and I didn’t have to watch it getting its head cut off, but three times the price? C’mon lads.

There was bonus value down Moore Street as well with filleting lessons from the woman behind the stall and repartee from her son who claimed to be a piano player so he couldn’t risk his fingers with the knife. And Dublin City Council wanted to shut these traders down?

I know where I’ll be getting my fish …

And I’ve been waiting ages to actually use codology in a post, so there it was …

photo: St. Patrick’s Day

As a result of the hard work of Marcus at, I was in a privileged viewing position for the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin today, right outside the GPO. People-watching is a lot of fun. There’s a set of parade images here. Thanks again Marcus for all your hard work.

photo: HD on flickr




Went and shot some time-lapse down the end of the Bull Wall today in the changeable weather. Shooting some backgrounds for the new ‘reel which I’m in the process of making. Lo and behold flickr announced HD video on their website for pro accounts, so here’s a sample. You probably have to click through to see the HD version.

photo: St. Patrick’s Day bash

The nice folks over at have organised a bit of a coup for St Patrick’s Day which will encourage a slew of great Irish photographers out onto the streets to celebrate out national day. Read all about it by following this link.

They’ve collaborated with the Festival organisers to secure some great vantage points, and with Canon to dish out a few nice prizes for the best pictures from the day with a party afterwards in the Guinness Storehouse for 250 lucky Pixiers amongst others.

Please show your support and spread the word.

music: DYO

DYO for prospective parents from Hugh_C on Vimeo.


My daughter plays viola in the Intermediate Orchestra of the DYO (Dublin Youth Orchestras) and I was asked to make a short piece about the DYO for prospective parents. The auditions are being held today. The script was written by Brigitte de la Malene and the video/photography/editing by me. For more information, visit the DYO website.

misc: this caught my eye


Ah but c’mon, who’s going to crack out their perfectly good albeit slightly yellowing gnashers and pack ’em off somewhere to be whitened by someone who has dazzling, sterile bicuspids and a white coat, beaming her way round a lab stacked with orphaned enamels, perched expectantly in their slots waiting for the moment of truth, the application of a mildly bleaching gel to enwhiten their flagging smile.

The mere thought of that makes me want to cry, and as a proud possessor of one very slightly chipped front tooth, a chip commissioned on the very day that Michael McDowell (Mícheál Mac Dubhghaill) lost his seat (the 24th of May 2007), I can state that Online Teeth Whitening isn’t my bag. No thanks, nein danke, no-sir-re-Bob. My chip was the making of me and the undoing of the Rotweiller. I suppose you could say he was to blame; I was celebrating his undoing and misjudged my tasting of a dressing I was preparing at the time, my tooth coming into close and calamitous contact with a pestle (or was it the mortar?) thus depriving me of my unblemished gnasher. The fact that I’d taken the celebrations quite seriously and was south of a few G&Ts is germane.

I might at a push change my toothpaste though. I feel I’m in a bit of a rut toothpaste-wise, having been a follower of that pink stuff that smells of Wintergreen, maybe it’s time for a change. The country is looking for entrepreneurs at this time, I’m thinking of developing an Absinthe toothpaste of my own recipe. Any takers? I’m looking for backing.

Just one more thing about the ad, I love that it offers “live help”. That makes my day and my smile all the brighter.

spicy tomato soup

1 large red onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp olive oil
2 rashers
3x400g cans tomato
3x400g tins of water / stock
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp chili flakes
1 tsp cumin seed
1/2 tsp caraway seed

Chop the onion finely, along with the garlic and rashers and sauté in a deep pot over a low heat for about 10 minutes until soft. Add the cans of tomatoes and bring to a slow boil. Add the water & stock to the 3 empty cans and add to the pot. Chuck in the rest of the ingredients and allow to come back to a slow boil. Let it cook away for about 15 minutes and then blend to your desired consistency.


If you’d prefer a vegetarian version, just omit the rashers and use vegetable stock instead.

food: spicy tomato soup


1 large red onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp olive oil
2 rashers
3x400g cans tomato
3x400g tins of water / chicken stock
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp chili flakes
1 tsp cumin seed
1/2 tsp caraway seed

Chop the onion finely, along with the garlic and rashers and sauté in a deep pot over a low heat for about 10 minutes until soft. Add the cans of tomatoes and bring to a slow boil. Add the water & stock to the 3 empty cans and add to the pot. Chuck in the rest of the ingredients and allow to come back to a slow boil. Let ot cook away for about 15 minutes and then blend to your desired consistency.


If you require a vegetarian version, just omit the rashers and use vegetable stock instead.

Timeless (revisited)

I’ve been revisiting the time-lapse footage I’ve shot over the years and have begin to wrestle with the issues of what resolution I should make this video on my home setup. In theory I could make this all the way up to 2k (film) but I’m a little limited by hardware at the moment.

Here’s an excerpt from what I’m at:

Timeless from Hugh_C on Vimeo.