Model: Grace Sweeney | mua: Joanna Nixon
Film | Edit
model: David Neale | mua: Lyndsey Barnwell
Nikon F4 | 85mm f/1.4 ai-s | Tri-X
model: Sheona Harding | mua: Parima Barghgir
On Saturday, ten of us from the Pyrenean group set off at the crack of dawn to drive to Killorglin and onwards to Carrauntoohil to attempt The Horseshoe which takes in Ireland’s three highest peaks – Caher, Carrauntoohil and Beenkeragh. An awesome eight hour trek in some pretty changeable weather. It was amazing up there.
Monte Perdido, Spain.
This is on the ascent of Monte Perdido (3355 m) looking south into Spain. One of the three peaks we climbed during a trek of the Pyrenees, starting on the Spanish side and ending up in France.
For my late brother, Dave:
model: Charlie O’Connor | mua/hair/styling: Ciara Allen
I’m really proud to have had this image featured on Melissa Rodwell’s Fashion Photography Blog where it won the prestigious Shot of the Week.