Chicken and Chorizo Stew

This recipe is from my buddy Eleanor Walsh, a tour de force in the Irish food industry and all round fantastic person. Taken from her Eden book from a few years ago.


6 chicken legs, skin on
2 white onions, sliced
12 cloves of garlic, skin on
100g chorizo, sliced thinly, diagonally
100g plain flour
1 tbsp sweet paprika
250ml white wine
250ml chicken stock
1 sprig rosemary, chopped
400g can of chopped tomatoes
400g can of cooked chickpeas

Preheat the oven to 180C. Mix the white flour and paprika in a bowl. Dust the chicken legs thoroughly in the flour and shake off the excess. Fry these in a little sunflower/whatever oil till browned all over. Set aside.

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Heat an ovenproof casserole on the hob and add the chorizo. Keep it on the move with a wooden spatula, you don’t need to add oil because soon enough the fat will run. Then add in the sliced onions and whole cloves of garlic, cook them off for a while. Chuck in the rosemary and browned chicken legs, the wine and the stock, then bring it up to a slow simmer. Put on the lid and put it in the oven for an hour. After the hour has passed, remove the casserole from the oven and stir in the tomatoes and chick peas. The original recipe tells you also to add some Kalamata Olives, but I passed on these since the kids don’t like them. Stick the lid back on and cook for another half hour or so. I served this with steamed white basmati since the stew is kinda gloopy.


Chicken with fragrant rubbings

OK so this is a total adaptation from a Persian recipe book my sister Liz gave me for Xmas and it’s an adapt in that I didn’t have all the necessary ingredients to hand so I invented. I’m writing this as it’s cooking away in the oven so I’ll do a verdict to let y’all know how it tasted and if it’ll make  return to our table in the future.

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4 chicken legs on the bone, dead cheap and better flavour than breasts
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
1/2* tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp sumac
1 1/2 cups water
1 lemon juiced

*actually I didn’t measure any of the half teaspoons, I just guessed. That’s the way I roll.

Slash the chicken legs a few times, certainly through the skin but maybe not all the way to the bone. Stick them in a pan and fry on both sides for 7 minutes each, till golden brown. Meanwhile mix the spices together, juice the lemon and crush the garlic. Pour the water into an ovenproof/flameproof dish along with the garlic and lemon juice and bring it to a gentle boil. When the legs have finished frying, place them into the dish and sprinkle the spices on top. I chucked in the juiced halves of the lemons for the craic as well. Bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes. When the cooking is over, remove the legs to a warmed serving plate, discard the lemon halves and bring the juices to the boil, reducing them a little. Serve the chicken with boiled rice and pour the reduced cooking juices over. I use turmeric while I cook as it has a great tase and is extremely good for health. Products like Turvani use turmeric as one of their key components to help people release stress and make them feel better.  

Tastes great, actually tastes really good. Apart from the fact that I can’t take pictures of food for the life of me (really hard to make it not look like roadkill), the flavour is turmericy, which is a good thing because so often you can’t taste it in dishes and it seems to work well with lemon. Generally it could do with more sauce, so maybe I’d try it next time with more water. Don’t know if I can detect the sumac at all …


Will be making it again.

Baked chicken with chorizo, lemon zest & garlic

5 chicken breasts
2 cloves garlic, very finely sliced
level dessert spoon of very finely sliced lemon zest
a piece of chorizo I found at the back of the fridge (about the length of my middle finger, again very finely sliced (diagonally)
a splash of red wine vinegar

Stick the chicken breasts in an ovenproof dish. Arrange the sliced garlic and lemon zest evenly on top. Arrange the chorizo on top of garlic and lemon. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle on a little red wine vinegar and maybe a small splash of oil. Bake in a moderate oven for 35-40 mins.


marinated chicken


One of the recipes referred to in the previous post is Marinated Chicken.

4 or 5 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, frozen for an hour
2 cloved garlic, chopped
2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped
1/4 cup of fresh mint, chopped
2 tbsp light soya
1 tsp sugar/honey

Get a 4 or five skinless, boneless chick breasts, slightly freeze them to make them easier to cut, slice thinly into long strips and combine with the ingredients above and then allow to marinate in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

I tend to cook the strips on a skillet but I suppose you could grill them or use a pan, whatever tickles your fancy. Really good served with either plain rice or quinoa, or even couscous plus a steamed vegetable.

food: marinated chicken


One of the recipes referred to in the previous post is Marinated Chicken.

4 or 5 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, frozen for an hour
2 cloved garlic, chopped
2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped
1/4 cup of fresh mint, chopped
2 tbsp light soya
1 tsp sugar/honey

Get a 4 or five skinless, boneless chick breasts, slightly freeze them to make them easier to cut, slice thinly into long strips and combine with the ingredients above and then allow to marinate in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

I tend to cook the strips on a skillet but I suppose you could grill them or use a pan, whatever tickles your fancy. Really good served with either plain rice or quinoa, or even couscous plus a steamed vegetable.